So I found another server that is running for a very long time. Here is the screenshot:
XXXXXXXX:/opt # uptime
11:32am up 1763 days 20:06, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
So I found another server that is running for a very long time. Here is the screenshot:
XXXXXXXX:/opt # uptime
11:32am up 1763 days 20:06, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
And another improvement of the server uptime record. I found a server (physical server) today that had an uptime of over 1550 days!
So it was powered on on thursday 18 june 2015. A long time ago!
Today I encountered this server, which smashes my server uptime record:
[root@XXXXXXXXX ~]#
10:51:44 up 1446 days, 18:24, 1 user, load average: 0.80, 0.85, 0.94
1446 days equals 14 days shy of 4 years!
If you are like me and watch a lot of TV streams using acestream, you had the problem that there was no Linux client. So you had to use a window$ PC for that (with all the hassle that brings) but we don’t want that.
So I resorted to using wine for that. And that works beautifully. But the hope remained that it would be possible to run it native on Linux. I have found out how, and here are the instructions for tumbleweed:
First, we add a repository where the acestream software is to be found. Then we install the latest beta version of VLC, and then I will show you how to start it all.
# zypper ar -f acestream-repo # zypper in acestream-engine acestream-launcher
This next section is not necessary, you can skip that if you already have a working VLC.
The reason that I install the latest VLC -beta is because in the future I hope to stream to my chromecast. The latest VLC *should* do the trick, but here it is not working yet. Anyway, I installed and use the vlc 4.0 beta version.
You will have to get it from the packman repo, so if you haven’t already added it, do it now:
# zypper in vlc-beta
In order to satisfy the dependencies, you will have to agree with de-installing the regular -installed- VLC version.
And now for the real stuff. To start it all, as user do:
$ acestreamengine --client-console
and leave the terminal open. In a new terminal console do:
$ acestream-launcher -p vlc acestream://67665adae9b7535a10f7b7a22d43f15683e78bde
The VLC player will open and after a short while (hopefully) the stream will start playing in the vlc window. And of course you substitute the acestream-id in this example with the one that you found for your stream.
Happy viewing!
P.S.: the instructions in this article worked as of 26/8/2018
updated 30/8/2018 for typos.
Last time I reported an uptime record, the record was around 350 days.
Today I found:
[root@xxxxxxxx ~]# uptime
10:55:46 up 1142 days, 9:22, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
This server is up for more than 3 years.I have to admit that it is a virtual server.
As you can see, it is very busy 🙂
** update — also tested ok on 42.2 -> 42.3 **
This is my personal checklist for upgrading from openSUSE Leap 42.1 to 42.2 using online update (zypper dup). This may or may not include all the steps necessary for YOUR system.
You may not need all the steps. So be careful. Read it carefully, and make sure that you understand each step. Use it as an aid. Use it at your own risk.
Remember, always update 1 versionnumber at a time, so go from 42.1 -> 42.2 -> 42.3 and do not go from 42.1 to 42.3 !!
For the full (very good) documentation, see:
To change the repos:
To start the update:
After the upgrade to 42.2, my server performed its functions (database, webserver, nfs, smb etc.) perfectly. However I had a slight issue with the KDE-desktop. The taskbar would not come up and the desktop was inaccesible.
To solve that, I had to issue the following command:
# zypper in -t pattern “kde_plasma”
That command installed some packages that were probably missing. After that, I could use the desktop as normal again.
Have a lot of fun!
Hello all,
UPDATE 25/8/2018: for tumbleweed users, you can find the latest package HERE, and then you will also need to install a dependency (libgcrypt) that you can get HERE.
After downloading the 2 packages you will need to install them with:
# zypper in ./spotify-client- ./libgcrypt11-1.5.4-2.289.x86_64.rpm
If you’re looking for a binary to install Spotify on your openSUSE installation, you can download a linux client from the spotify site, but that is a .deb file for debian/ubuntu.
I recompiled this client for openSUSE (tested on 13.2). So I build it for you and you can download it here. (binary from march 2015: spotify-client-
The last uptime record of one of my linux servers was around 350 days. Today I found another server that has even more uptime: 428 days. Another new record!!
The screendump is as follows:
filezilla:~ # uptime 16:01pm up 428 days 6:48, 1 user, load average: 0.13, 0.10, 0.10
Today I found that the server is still up and going strong!! Updated screendump:
filezilla:~ # uptime 15:29pm up 697 days 6:15, 2 users, load average: 0.30, 0.19, 0.15 filezilla:~ #
I found another one that is still going strong!!
[root@cygnus2 ~]# uptime 14:14:19 up 833 days, 4:09, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
The last uptime record of one of my servers was around 300 days. Today I found that the server still hasn’t rebooted and that has even more uptime: 353 days. Another new record!!
The screendump is as follows:
fotoserver:~ # uptime 08:35am up 353 days 16:55, 1 user, load average: 0.14, 0.05, 0.06
Today I noticed a new uptime record on one of my servers. The screenshot follows:
Have a lot of fun... fotoserver:~ # uptime 09:17am up 301 days 17:39, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 fotoserver:~ #
301 days, a new record for a server.