Vi tips
vi editor tips
Key(s): | Movement: |
0 (zero) | 1st column on the line |
^ | 1st non-blanc char on line |
$ | Last char on line |
g_ | Last non-blanc char on line |
w | Next word |
W | Next word and skip interpunction |
e | End of current word |
E | End of current word incl .interpunction |
b | Begin of current word |
B | Begin of current word incl. interpuction |
ge | End of previous word |
gE | End of previous word and skip interpunction |
O | Insert new line and switch to insert mode |
Key(s): | Action: |
x | Delete char under cursor |
X | Delete char before cursor |
r | Replace char under cursor with next typed char |
d | Delete chars until position of next command |
dd | Delete line |
y | Copy text until position of next command |
yy | Copy line |
p | Paste text after cursor |
P | Paste text before cursor |
Key(s): | Selection: |
V | Start selecting block of text |
x | Cut block of text |
c | Copy block of text |
iw | Word |
aw | Word incl spaces |
is | Sentence |
as | Sentence incl spaces |
ip | Paragraph |
ap | Paragraph incl spaces and empty lines |
i( | Block between brackets |
a( | Block incl brackets |
i< | Block between < > |
a< | Block incl < > |
i{ | Block between { } |
a{ | Block incl { } |
i” | Block between “ “ |
a” | Block incl “ “ |
i` | Block between ` ` |
a` | Block incl ` ` |
Search: | Action: |
/text | Search for text starting at cursor |
n | Find next |
N | Find previous |
// | Repeat last search |
* | Search forward for word currently under cursor |
# | Search backwards for word currently under cursor |
:set hlsearch | Highlights all matches |
:set nohlsearch | Disable ^ |
:nohl | Don't show highlights from last search |
:set incsearch | Enables incremental search |
:set noincsearch | Disables ^ |
u undo
cut multiple lines: ###yy
delete rest of line from cursor: SHIFT-d
To open multiple files on a window
- Horizontal split
vi -o file-one file-two
- Vertical split
vi -O file-one file-two
- Switch between the panes you are using.
CTRL + W + Left key to activate left windows CTRL + W + Right key to activate right windows CTRL + W + Up key> to activate to windows above current one CTRL + W + Down key> to activate to windows down current one
- Split Open one file at a time
vi file-one
- To open the second file, go to the command mode (Esc)
:new file-two
:split file-two
- to split vertically
- Typ 'CTRL-w w' to switch between the windows
- Open new file:
:e newfile
To open Vi with multiple tabs open:
vi -p /var/log/*.log
- switch between tabs with gt
- open new tab
:tabnew or :tabe file
to open new file in new tab
Search and Replace
Go in command mode and type:
Replace First occurence of string
Replace All occurence of string
Replace All occurence of string with confirmation
avoid staircase effect when pasting
If you're working in Vim and paste something into the terminal, sometimes you'll get a "staircase" effect where each line is progressively spaced farther outward, like so:
line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4
Obviously, this isn't usually desirable.
To correct this, you can enable paste to prevent the staircase effect. In command mode, type:
:set paste
This isn't on by default. When paste is enabled, it disables mapping and some other functions, so you probably want to know how to turn it off as well:
:set nopaste
syntax highlighting for programming languages
:syntax on
Store settings
Put your most used commands, like :syntax on in ~/.vimrc
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w%=\ [%Y]\ [%{&ff}]\ [%04l,%04v]\ [%p%%]\ [%L]
in /etc/vimrc