These handy Quick Reference Guides are PDF's that I made myself from my own experience, but they are always based on the original Service Manuals.
They typically contain handy notes, diagrams, handy circuit board layouts that I made, instructions, partlists and sometimes other information not found in the Service Manual.
The QRG's are useful when servicing the reel-to-reel tape deck in question.
These QRG's are to be used alongside the original Service Manual.
As these QRG's are constantly updated with new information and errata, be sure to download the latest version each time you need them.
IF you have any errata, or other remarks,
please feel free to contact me at
i n f o { a t } r e e l t o r e e l . n l
The Guides:
Studer A810, contains cards layout, gauges, calibration instructions and table
Studer A807, contains mechanical tension adjustment, critical caps locations, wiring diagram volume potentiometer and jog shuttle
Revox B126 CD Player, contains capacitor locations and voltage adjust instructions.
Fostex R8, contains layout of the audio cards, recap info, and complete calibration instructions
Philips N4520 & N4522, contains among other things audio undertray layout with calibration instructions, and replacement items lists
Akai GX-270D, contains overhaul instructions and boards layout, and replacement items lists
Sony TC-580, location of boards, heads, and calibration pots layout & playback calibration instruction
Sony TC-755, stuck pinch roller problem and calibration pots layout
QRG on how to make your recordings on DCC Digital Compact Cassette perfect
Document with templates to create your own DCC inlay j-card
QRG How to calibrate tape decks based on MRL documentation
QRG Hoe tapedecks af te regelen, gebaseerd op MRL dokumenten NL-versie
8-track label dimensions, an overview of the labels on a 8-track shell