Calculate level (dBu or dBV) to voltage (VRMS)

This calculator converts a given signal level in dBu or dBV to the appropriate voltage level for sinusoidal waveforms.
Just enter either a level in dBu or in dBV, depending on your reference level.
Example: your manual specifies you need a signal level of -24 dBu. You can calculate the corresponding voltage here.

PLEASE NOTE: levels are as follows:

0 dBu uses 0.775 Volt as base level. This is the professional level. Standard is +4dBu = 1.228V.
0 dBV uses 1 Volt as base level. Used in domestic environments. Standard is -10dBV = 0.316V.

Since dBu is referenced to a smaller value, the same voltage will always come out 2.2 dB higher when referenced to dBu than when referenced to dBV.
For example, 6 V = 15.56 dBV, but 17.78 dBu.

What is the level in dBu:
What is the level in dBV:

Please fill in one of the fields!
Appropriate voltage level will be calculated below.

Some background: dBu vs. dBV

What is dBu? A logarithmic voltage ratio with a reference voltage of V0 = 0.7746 volt ≡ 0 dBu. It has a 'reference level' of +4dBu ~ 1,23 V. The studio recording level (pro audio) of +4 dBu means a voltage of 1.228 volts.
What is dBV? A logarithmic voltage ratio with a reference voltage of V0 = 1.0000 volt ≡ 0 dBV It has a 'reference level' of -10dBV ~ 316 mV. The home recording level (consumer audio) of −10 dBV means 0.3162 volts, that is −7.78 dBu.

The maximum undistorted level of audio amplifiers is +18 dBu. In USA it is +24 dBu.

Domestic gear with a −10 dBV level is usually unbalanced. Studio gear with a +4 dBu level is always balanced. 0 VU = +4 dBu.
The level difference between +4 dBu studio level and −10 dBV consumer level is Δ L = 11.78 dB (12 dB).
The level difference between dBu level and dBV level is Δ L = 2.2 dB.
0 dBV equals 2.2 dBu or 0 dBu equals −2.2 dBV.
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